PNWER at Work > Working Groups > Arctic Caucus
The Arctic Caucus of the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER) is a partnership between Alaska, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories.
The partnership aims to provide a forum to share information, discuss issues of mutual concern, identify areas for collaboration between the three jurisdictions and the rest of North America, and provide Arctic-relevant input to PNWER working groups and the region at-large.
The Caucus is made up of PNWER public and private sector members from the three core jurisdictions; other PNWER members are encouraged to participate and to provide their input according to their interest issues effecting the Arctic. The Caucus is chaired on an annual rotation by leadership from each of the three jurisdictions.
The partnership aims to provide a forum to share information, discuss issues of mutual concern, identify areas for collaboration between the three jurisdictions and the rest of North America, and provide Arctic-relevant input to PNWER working groups and the region at-large.
The Caucus is made up of PNWER public and private sector members from the three core jurisdictions; other PNWER members are encouraged to participate and to provide their input according to their interest issues effecting the Arctic. The Caucus is chaired on an annual rotation by leadership from each of the three jurisdictions.
Formed in 2009, the Arctic Caucus of the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER) is a partnership between Alaska, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories to provide a forum to share information, discuss issues of mutual concern, identify areas for collaboration between the three jurisdictions and the rest of North America, and provide Arctic-relevant input to PNWER working groups and the region at-large.
Since its formation, the Arctic Caucus has developed a dynamic action plan, which is the basis of the Caucus’ existence. PNWER, North America’s largest public- private partnership, has a role in increasing advocacy for Arctic issues; recognizing a distinct economic region, and sharing best practices across the US-Canada border.
Since its formation, the Arctic Caucus has developed a dynamic action plan, which is the basis of the Caucus’ existence. PNWER, North America’s largest public- private partnership, has a role in increasing advocacy for Arctic issues; recognizing a distinct economic region, and sharing best practices across the US-Canada border.
Areas of Interest
To date, the Arctic Caucus has explored a variety of issue areas in its ongoing efforts to identify and complete action items. At the heart of all discussions is the common theme of addressing the issues with special attention to the scale and unique challenges of living in the North. Common projects and information sharing support a range of topic areas including:
Regional Economic Development
This subcommittee will enhance the collaboration of the private sector, and Arctic First Nations on cross-jurisdictional economic development. Cultural tourism and artisan trades in the region have been identified as sectors that could be enhanced through collaboration. These areas have been specific to the jurisdiction, but this subcommittee will promote a regional approach. |
Resource & Infrastructure Development
This subcommittee works to bring stakeholders together on infrastructure projects from various sectors. It was suggested that a Beaufort Regional Council could be developed and modeled after the Barents Regional Council, with the aim of providing a missing level of planning coordination for multimodal, transborder corridors. |
Banner photo from Tourism Yukon
Pacific Northwest Economic Region
520 Pike Street, Suite 1310 Seattle, WA 98101 |