27th PNWER Annual Summit
Portland, Oregon
Where: Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront
1401 SW Naito Pkwy, Portland, OR 97201 When:July 23-27, 2017 What: The Pacific NorthWest Economic Region's 27th Annual Summit brought together leaders from Pacific Northwest states and Western Canada to discuss opportunities for growth within the region and address major challenges to the economy and our environment. PNWER Summits feature three days of powerful keynote speakers, first-class receptions and networking opportunities, and collaborative sessions put on by PNWER's 19 Working Groups. Our 800-plus outstanding delegates include legislators, key government staff, industry leaders and visionaries in the education and non-profit sectors.
Oregon Host Committee Members
Rep. Bill Kennemer, Oregon Legislature Rep. Caddy McKeown, Oregon Legislature Rep. Deborah Boone, Oregon Legislature Rep. Jeff Reardon, Oregon Legislture Rich Angstrom, President, Oregon Concrete & Aggregate Producers Association Scott Bolton, Director, Government Affairs, PacifiCorp Sen. Arnie Roblan, Oregon Legislature Sen. Bill Hansell, Oregon Legislature Sen. Rod Monroe, Oregon Legislature Bill Wyatt, Former Executive Director, Port of Portland Brad Leamaster, State Veterinarian, Oregon Department of Agriculture Animal Health & ID Division Brendan McCarthy, Government Affairs Analyst, Portland General Electric Bob Appelgate, Associate Director of Community Relations, OHSU Crystal Ball, Oregon Constituent Account Executive, BPA Dan Kirschner, Executive Director, Northwest Gas Association David Kenney, President, Oregon Best Diane Warner, Executive Director, Northwest Cement Council Gary Bauer, Director, Government & Community Affairs, NW Natural Hannah Cruz, Communications Manager, Energy Trust Jay Ward, Sr. Community Relations Manager, Energy Trust of Oregon Jennifer Stoll, Director of Government Affairs, Allergan Jessica Iplikci, Business Sector Manager, Energy Trust Jim Baumgartner, Black Helterline LLP Jock Mills, Director, Government Relations, Oregon State University Ken Nichols, Principal, EQL Energy Kent Yu, Principal, Seft Consulting Marion Haynes, Vice President, Government Affairs & Econmic Development, Portland Business Alliance Mark Sytsma, Professor, Environmental Science and Management, Portland State University Matt Miller, Vice President, Business Development, Greater Portland Inc Mike McArthur, Executive Director, Association of Oregon Counties Paul Romain, Lobbyist, OPUDA |
Oregon Coast Economic Summit
When: Morning and afternoon sessions Date: July 26 About: The 2017 Oregon Coast Economic Summit is presented in partnership with the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region as a special session on July 26 during PNWER’s 2017 Annual Summit. The Oregon Coast Economic Summit will bring together congressional, state, local and tribal leaders, public policy advocates, academics and private partners to discuss a wide range of topics that recognize the unique economic diversity of our coastal and rural communities. AEC Portland Hackathon When: Weekend before the Summit Dates: July 21-23 About: A weekend of geeking at its finest, the AEC (architecture, engineering, and construction) hackathon is a chance for thinkers, designers, and builders to collaborate and create. With access to cutting edge technologies at the tips of their fingers, participants are asked to help kickstart the movement to drastically change the industries which shape our built environments. Learn more here |
PNWER Water Policy Working Group Session Co-hosted by CSG-West
When: Morning and afternoon sessions Date: July 25 About: The session is presented in partnership by PNWER and the CSG-West Legislative Council on River Governance. CSG West’s Legislative Council on River Governance (LCRG), established in 1998, is made up of state legislators from each of the Columbia River basin states of Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. The LCRG provides its members with opportunities to discuss the common challenges facing the people living and doing business in the basin, and to share strategies for addressing these challenges. Northwest Disaster Resilience Symposium When: Morning and afternoon sessions Dates: July 24-25 About: The symposium was embedded within the PNWER Summit. The two-day event hosted by the Center for Regional Disaster Resilience is designed to bring together leaders and decision makers from throughout the region to address common issues, examine solutions, and promote information sharing. Learn more here Read the agenda |
Brad Smith
Brad Smith, President of Microsoft spoke on the legacy of innovation and collaboration in the Pacific NorthWest and tools to forge greater ties including transportation and broadband access. July 25, 2017 Video courtesy of TVW |
Transportation Session
The Northwest is a hub for resource production and exports. Oil safety experts discuss oil movement in the Northwest. Global economic market impact on oil supply network discussed. Session concludes with legislative response panel. Session agenda and speaker biographies available here. July 25, 2017 Video courtesy of TVW |
Infrastructure Session
The Region's infrastructure needs modernization and expansion. Session includes an update on actions in DC and financing opportunities for states/cities. Best practices highlighted in public-private partnerships from Canada and implications for US states/municipalities. Session agenda and speaker biographies available here. July 26, 2017 Video courtesy of TVW |
Pacific Northwest Economic Region
520 Pike Street, Suite 1310 Seattle, WA 98101 |